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Women Arise in Nigeria

Neelley Hicks

Correspondent Daniel Garba reports on the Northern Nigeria United Methodist Women’s Convention screening of “A Plea to My Father” (shown for the first time in Hausa language). Also see Editor’s note below.

A Plea to My Father” was shown on Saturday, 17th February 2018, at around 9 pm Nigeria time. It was really a wonderful moment for over 2,000 women that watched the animation, because it is a heart touching animation!

When the animation had been watched, the Women’s President of the United Methodist Northern Nigeria Annual Conference, Doris Adamu, stood up to shed more light on the animation. This is what she said:

“My fellow women, this animation came at a time when the case of rape is becoming more rampant in the country!  And when this happens, the result bounce back on us women!  It is therefore high time for us to stand up for our rights and fight against it!”  

It was a sorrowful moment, because the animation described exactly what is happening in our annual conference!

So many of the women who watched the animation have had one or two of their daughters raped.  Here are some of the reactions of a few I interviewed:

Mrs. Margret John said with tears in her face:

“I have four children – three girls and one boy. Two of my daughters were raped during the start of Boko Haram Crisis. The oldest is now HIV victim!*  The third girl, who is the last born, now has been put in the family way [unwanted pregnancy]. The only male child I have is now converted to Islam due to the fear of the insurgents. I suffered for nothing!  I lose all my four children.”

Rev. Dr.  Rhoda G.  Manzo, a clergy and a principal of Ron Wilmot Comprehensive Junior Seminary Secondary school, had this to say:

“The issue of rape is originated in the Bible. The book of 2 Samuel 13 recorded the case of rape in King David’s family.  Tamar was a virgin, but her brother Amnon raped her.  The history of Tamar would have continued in the Bible, but since the time her brother raped her, her story ends.  So, the cases of rape are destroying the futures of many girls in the world, particularly in Nigeria.  Therefore, it should be discouraged and fought against.”

To cut it short, many women shed tears when they watched this animation because it reflected in their hearts what happened to their daughters.  The news of the animation was cast at Gombe Media Corporation, as well as Gombe State Television, because the media attended the gathering.

Mrs. John asked me to visit her house anytime to see her HIV positive daughter who is now between life and death and take her picture as proof. This is but few among many reactions on the animation.

I am therefore suggesting that if possible, let this animation be viewed in the National Television as it serve as source of encouragement to many young women who are in danger of rapes in the country.  Also, there are many victims of rape who are being isolated and hopeless amongst the society.  Thanks to all who may read and react on this article. Also, big thanks to Rev. Neelley, Chocolate Moose Media and WiseHeart Foundation for this short, powerful and heart touching animation.

Note: Daniel has since reported that Mrs. John’s eldest daughter (Ladidi John) died on February 21 of complications due to HIV/AIDS which she contracted during the rape. Daniel attended the funeral, and asks prayers for the John family who has suffered so much. Letters of condolence may be sent to I have since connected Daniel and Doris with others in the region working together to prevent rape and stigma. Additionally, we are working together to discern when to broadcast the animation on television. – Neelley


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