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Neelley Hicks

Can you hear it? Voices which have long been silenced from abuse are now amplified through the use of communications technology. In the United States, #MeToo has broken through a societal fog which normalized bad behavior, and the chance of building a new culture of mutual respect finally seems possible. Similarly, an innovative communications campaign by Harper Hill Global called “Arise from Stigma” is becoming known across one of Africa’s largest countries where women are doubly traumatized from post-rape isolation. This work is made possible by grants and contributions from people like you.

A Plea to My Father” was the catalyst produced by Harper Hill Global, Chocolate Moose Media, and WiseHeart Foundation that showed just how much the right words could mean to survivors of sexual violence.


United Methodist Women International Ministries has just provided a generous grant to Harper Hill so that more women can receive this powerful message, and emerge from the shadows. The contribution provides partial funding for the “Arise from Stigma” communications plan which includes television, radio, social media, and print in English, French and Swahili. Within this modern, digital world, multilingual communications are unbound by geographic region. Not only will “Arise from Stigma” assist The United Methodist Church of East Congo in reaching their local goals against stigma, materials will be made available to other regions of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Central Africa Republic, and a new network partner in Uganda.

Help Us Broaden the Reach

During this holiday season, give to Harper Hill Global and you’ll be amplifying voices that may otherwise go unheard amidst the world’s noise and confusion. You can support change worldwide by:

Supporting through a one-time financial gift of $100 (Tax-Deductible) Giving through monthly financial gifts of $10 (Tax-Deductible) • Volunteering as a Harper Hill Global ambassador by sharing our posts to your social network, and including us in your prayers

Your support can bring amazing change to communities, including:

• The expansion of anti-stigma messaging to Central Africa Republic, Uganda, and other parts of Africa who’ve requested assistance • Equipping communication leaders with mobile solutions to work effectively within their communities • Production of t-shirts, posters, and animation workbooks for community leaders combating stigma

Whichever contribution you choose, know that the passion I have for this ministry is fueled by my knowledge of communication technologies and an adventurous spirit for trying new approaches. Add our human network (now called the Harper Hill Collective) to this mix, and you’ve got new possibilities for work solutions in parts of the world most left behind by the digital revolution.

May God amplify the voices of Light and Love this holiday season.



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