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Neelley Hicks

Triumph Over Trauma Conference

Updated: Dec 1, 2021

Dr. Nadine Burke Harris is an inspiration to so many people throughout the world. Her work in Trauma Informed Care is groundbreaking and reveals how our bodies hold adverse experiences from childhood that can negatively affect the rest of our lives if not dealt with effectively.

This fall, Harper Hill Global will offer the conference, “Triumph Over Trauma,” for houses of prayer (mosques, synagogues, churches, temples, etc.) to learn how to provide trauma informed care through their ministries.

Led by experts in trauma-informed care, you will learn how you can provide healing spaces for your community to overcome lasting effects of trauma.

Inspired by the work begun by and for women who’ve suffered sexual violence in eastern DRCongo, this conference will equip you to help our world overcome the deep traumas that come from racism, sexism, homophobia, violence and abuse so people can arise into the fullness of beloved belonging.

Registration will begin in June, so watch for details.

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