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September 2020 Happenings

Neelley Hicks

Small Business Startups

As you read in the last issue, women in Africa are suffering greatly for lack of food – for themselves and their households. We’ve been giving small grants to provide food for the body, mind and spirit. This helps people eat now, and receive communications that inspire them to keep going forward. 

To bring sustainability to programs while offering compassion, we’ve begun offering micro-grants for small businesses they wish to start. Julia Shabani is the first to receive a grant of this kind, and she plans to raise pigs for market. Others wish to raise chickens, or make soap. These life-changing grants begin at $200. Please invite your friends and family to come together and give, so someone else can start a small business!

Books, Music & Workshops!

US Women Arise Artist and Chaplain Rev. Sherry Cothran is releasing a new book that digs deep into biblical stories of women and helps us dig deep into our spirits so we can be released from harmful limits placed on us not by God, but by man. The book, “Untamed Women” will be released this October!

To go with the book (and CD!) that’s coming, we will also offer workshops! If you are interested in hosting a workshop with a women’s group, (online only for now), let us know!

AND! Have you seen the new Women Arise music video. It’s a powerful piece that inspires us to press on. Watch and share with your friends!


Saying goodbye is only easier when your loved one is moving on to broadening opportunities…and even then, it’s not easy!

Matt Charlton, PhD joined Harper Hill Global in April 2019 as director of leadership strategy and development. Some highlights from his year with us include our 2019 Women Arise Benefit & Gala, our office location at meet+greet (we’re all working at home now), and administrative procedures that helped us move a little further out of the 501c3 baby stage.

Matt will join the development team of Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary as a Development Officer beginning September 14, 2020. He is a 2011 Garrett-Evangelical PhD graduate and holds degrees from Middle Tennessee State and Vanderbilt Divinity School where he and I met in 2000. We all wish you the best, Matt!

Reagan Kohler served as Summer Production Intern and is back at school now. He helped bridge the digital gap by making lower resolution video files of health animations and sharing them with our humanitarian communicator friends living in low-internet access settings throughout Africa. Read more.


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