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Join Me in Changing the World through Communications

Neelley Hicks

The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness 

and the world’s deep hunger meet. – Frederick Buechner

Over the past two decades, I’ve become a believer in using communications and technology to improve lives and reduce human suffering. I’ve also come to a deep understanding of the influencing role that religious groups play – particularly in parts of the world where new communication technologies are emerging.

My calling in life is to address societal issues through communications and technologies – working with the amazing global network of people I know and love.

My Call to Action

Recently, I left my comfortable job with United Methodist Communications, and now am living out my calling. I’ve founded Harper Hill Global, a small NGO that seeks to empower the human spirit through media, messaging and mobile solutions – all aimed at improving lives and relieving human suffering.

I am currently working on a communications campaign to combat stigma against women in East Congo with the United Methodist Church, and its local partners.

One Example of Our Work

“A Plea to My Father” was produced by Harper Hill Global, Chocolate Moose Media, WiseHeart Foundation, and the support of people like you.

One of our first efforts is the informational drama, “A Plea to My Father” – a short story about stigma, to aid in the re-socialization of women who’ve been raped. We just launched this animated video on television and radio in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and expect to reach thousands of people over the next six weeks. It is also being distributed through East Congo WhatsApp groups, Facebook, Vimeo, and other social media.

After its premiere in Kindu, a rape survivor named Rosalie said, “This is our story.” She was then inspired to speak publicly to personally combat stigma. I work now with Rosalie in my mind and in my heart.

Help Us Broaden the Reach

Communication reaches beyond walls and beyond division lines. Strategic communications can create a more just and loving world. My communications leadership during the Ebola crisis, Typhoon Haiyan, and programs in Haiti, the Philippines and throughout Africa increased access to information, empowerment and poverty-reduction programs for some of the world’s most disadvantaged people.

Please Become a Founding Patron of Harper Hill Global

Investing in Harper Hill Global means that you are contributing to building a better world. You can support change worldwide by:

  1. Volunteering as a Harper Hill Global ambassador by promoting us and our posts to your social network, and including us in your prayers

  2. Giving through monthly financial gifts (Tax-Deductible)

  3. Supporting a communications campaign through a one-time financial gift (Tax-Deductible)

Your support can bring amazing change to communities, including:

  1. The expansion of anti-stigma messaging to other parts of Africa who’ve requested assistance

  2. Equipping communication leaders with mobile solutions to more effectively monitor feedback

  3. Production of t-shirts, posters, and animation workbooks for community leaders combating stigma

Your support can be recognized directly (as appropriate) through Harper Hill Global’s marketing.

I hope that you will stay in touch as we move towards building a better world. Read more

By Grace, Neelley


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