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Neelley Hicks

The following is from our summer intern, Reagan Kohler. Reagan was brought to us through his mother, Rebecca, after his summer plans for internship abroad were canceled due to COVID-19. We appreciate Reagan’s hard work, and pray for success as he continues working towards Eagle Scout status! Reagan’s work has been shared with DRCongo, Nigeria, Uganda, South Sudan, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Liberia, Cote d’Ivoire, Mozambique. If you want easy access to these health animations, just send a message to Thank you, Reagan! – Neelley

This summer, I got an internship with Harper Hill Global, in which I mainly focused on health communications. My job has been to convert informative disease prevention animations created by world-renowned humanitarian Firdaus Kharas into 3gp to be easily sent via phone to leaders in at-risk African communities. These animations were dubbed in French, English, Portuguese, and Swahili to help educate people in developing countries about how to prevent Cholera, HIV/AIDS, Malaria and COVID-19. Now they are in shareable folders for easy download.

Harper Hill Global’s communication programs are rooted in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and uses Information, Communications Technologies for Development, or ICT4D. ICT4D initiative is bridging the digital divide and aiding economic development by ensuring access to current communications technologies. These technologies include radio, television, cellular telephones, computer and network hardware and software, satellite systems and others along with the various user interfaces and applications associated with them, i.e. videoconferencing and distance learning. 

I learned a lot about how developed countries can help inform people in developing countries about disease prevention. This internship also helped reinforce the idea that information can save lives, and is saving lives.

By Reagan Kohler September 2020



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