The voices of women proclaiming their value were amplified throughout a country and the world.
Communicating for Equality

Neelley and Bibiche
Justice means more than prosecution of those who commit sexual violence. It means healing and restored dignity among survivors.
In 2018, the “Women Arise” communications campaign in East Congo reached over 750,000 people with these goals in mind.
“A Plea to My Father“ tells a story that echoes Bibiche‘s experience. Recently, she said,
“I will never stop thanking you because today, I am proud in front of my friends.”

Mrs. Doris Adamu
The Message Spreads
Doris Adamu, United Methodist Women’s President in Northern Nigeria, joined our team of humanitarian communicators and has mobilized women throughout her interfaith network in Northern Nigeria.
Now using the Virtual Classroom to encourage survivors and increase inclusivity, Doris is a model of compassion, courage and competence.
One of her motivations is a young woman named Ladidi who was raped and contracted HIV which developed into AIDS. The stigma Ladidi faced in life and death is something Doris wants to prevent from happening again. Read more.

Communicating for Disease Prevention
Technology is simply a means of spreading a message. The message itself can bring life.
This year, we reached at least 10 million people at risk for contracting Ebola with messages for disease prevention. “In Praise of Prevention” was re-versioned in local languages, and broadcast on television, and radio.
We produced a song called “Lavage Des Mains” to promote handwashing for disease prevention which was broadcast on radio – reaching at least 4 million people. A teacher of a local school shared this response,
“The spots on the washing of the hands which pass on the radio became for us a didactic song at school for our students. God bless the Methodist church for this.”

We live in a communications age that is so often taken for granted, but words matter. They form us, make us into who we are, and how we live with one another. They can make all the difference in someone’s life.
When we use every channel of communication possible to spread messages of health, inclusion, and peace, we build the world we dream of.
Thank you for joining us on this journey. – Neelley