Triumph Over Trauma Facilitator Training
April 5, 9 - 1:30 CT Register now
Join Triumph Over Trauma facilitators to learn how the program is going in different regions (USA and abroad). We will share successes and challenges we face as we implement the program, and talk about what our communities are facing.
This workshop is limited to those who have been trained in Triumph Over Trauma.
Cost: Free
1 Hour
In this 2-hour online course, you'll learn how to begin crafting a narrative for your life that inspires you, and helps you work through challenges you face! Learn from award-winning writer PM Terrell who teaches you to use your life experiences to craft stories that heal and inspire YOU! You will receive a recording of the class sessions to aid in your continued writing journey.
"I'd highly recommend this workshop, it was inspirational, empowering and good fun! Thank you Patricia & Neelley" Helen Kelly, Ireland
"It changed my whole perspective about writing a book. For as long as I can remember writing books has been what I really want to do. This session gave me some tools I never had before. Thank you!!" Kathy Gilbert, USA
Saturday, May 10, 2025, 10 am - 12 pm CT
2 Hours
Have negative church experiences interfered with your sense of well-being?
In this 2-hour workshop, we will focus on religious trauma and its effects. You'll learn how to identify personal triggers/trauma reminders, how to respond to them in healthy ways, and just how beloved you actually are.
Led by Rev. N. Neelley Hicks
Date: Saturday, April 19, 2025, 10 am - 12 pm CT
2 Hours
This 1-hour course guides you through a process of detaching from resentment caused by things that have happened to you, and provides you with a workbook for ongoing use.
"This one-hour class is fabulous for anyone whose mind sometimes fills with memories of others' actions that caused pain, whether major or slight. I learned that it doesn't mean we decide that what another did was okay, but it prevents their actions or words from taking up space rent-free in our heads. I look forward to more classes from Neelley Hicks!"
"This is a great little course that will give you some tools to "survive" the holidays with grace. Take an hour to gear down and settle in and prepare for the holidays. You will be better for having invested an hour here. Your holidays will be better, I promise!"
Date: Saturday, April 12, 2025 (10 - 11 am Central Time)
1 Hour